Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dad, can I have a donut?

I was out for my morning coffee today, editing the last chapter of my book, when I heard a young (maybe 5 years old) boy ask his dad if he could have a donut.

When I looked up I was shocked. I realized that the donuts had been moved from behind the counter to in front of the counter, and at about knee height to a standing adult ...or eye level to a five year old child.

When I looked even closer I realized that all of the sprinkled and brightly colored donuts and cookies were on the lower shelves and the more 'boring' flavors like 'old fashioned' donuts, tea biscuits and croissants were higher up.

A perfect example of how much work, effort and research goes into marketing sugar.

Next time you are in a coffee shop, pay close attention to the lay-out. And remember, in this industry nothing happens by coincidence.

Coffee for Mom and 20 grams of fat wrapped in 50 grams of brightly colored raw sugar for little johnny.


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