Thursday, March 27, 2008

How much weight training do I need to do?

Here's a great question I received today:

When you refer to resistance training (and the Eat Stop Eat program), is there a particular type you're talking about?

To be more specific (and personal), most people use "resistance training" and "bodybuilding-type" workouts synonymously. And by bodybuilding-type workouts, I mean multiple sets of 6-12 reps.

I'm training as a sprinter and am working out specifically for increased power and fast-twitch fiber development. Namely, I'm deadlifting and bench pressing and, for each exercise, doing no more than 5 sets, with no more than 5 reps/set, and no more than 10 reps total (I mix it up each workout) with weights that are between 85-100% of my 1rep max.

Would this be effective with the ESE program?

Here is my answer:

This work out program would definitely be effective.

I believe that as long as your workout program contains a work load that creates enough stress to challenge your muscles (which I'm sure this program would do), I believe it will protect you from any muscle loss.

I often get asked why I never give an "exercise prescription" with Eat Stop Eat. The reason is simple. It depends on the person. (this is the same reason why I don't tell you HOW to eat while following Eat Stop Eat).

For instance, it takes a high amount of volume, stress and exercise frequency for a 250 pound bodybuilder to maintain this high level of muscle mass.

If a 250 pound bodybuilder were to follow Eat Stop Eat then the amount and type of exercise that he would need to do to maintain that mass would be much greater than what a 145 pound women who doesn't exercise at all would need to do.

So your exercise needs are very dependent on your current training status, your goals, and the amount of muscle mass you are currently carrying.

Look at the amount of exercise you were doing before you started following Eat Stop Eat, and make sure to slowly progress from there.


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